


Family therapy is a type of psychotherapy that helps families or individuals within a family understand and improve the way they interact with each other and resolve conflicts together. This type of therapy strengthens the entire family, allowing each family member to rely on one another to work towards desired family change. The family can be the biggest source of support, comfort, joy and love. At times, it can also be your greatest source of strain and grief. A health crisis, marital struggle, mental illness, work problems or teenage rebellion may threaten to tear the family apart.


Family therapy can help your family weather such storms. Family therapy can help patch strained relationships, and teach new coping skills. Whether it’s you, your partner, a child or even a sibling or parent who’s in crisis, family therapy can help all of you communicate better and develop new behavioral patterns. Working with a therapist, you and your family will examine your family’s ability to solve problems and express thoughts and emotions. You may explore family roles, rules and behavior patterns in order to spot issues that contribute to conflict. Family therapy can help you pinpoint your specific concerns and assess how your family is handling them. Guided by your family therapist, you’ll learn new ways to interact and overcome old problems. You’ll set individual and family goals and work on ways to achieve them as a family.



There are many treatment options for people who wish to win the battle against addiction. One treatment option involves one-on-one individual sessions with an addiction counselor. This type of therapy addresses the symptoms of chemical addiction and areas of impaired functioning and the structure and content of the client’s ongoing recovery program.


Addiction is considered a disease and people get addicted to alcohol/drugs for different reasons. While the effects of addiction are almost always the same, the cause of the problem varies from case to case. There is no one particular treatment that is guaranteed to work for all clients. This is why addiction counselors apply different methods and programs. Many clients in recovery prefer individual sessions especially if they feel uncomfortable sharing their experiences with a group. Often counselors use individual therapy to prepare clients for help outside of therapy. During individual sessions, the counselor can help a recovering alcoholic/addict focus and deal with the root cause(s) of their addiction on a more personal level and teach them techniques to cope with the issues that prompted them turning to alcohol/drugs in the first place.



Anger management treatment teaches highly effective anger control skills and techniques, allowing the participant to express their anger in a way that is acceptable to themselves and to others, in addition to increasing self-awareness and teaching skills for resolving anger. Anger management helps the individual to recognize signs that they are becoming angry, and taking action to calm down and deal with the situation in a positive way. Anger management does not try to keep anyone from feeling anger or holding it in. Anger is a healthy, normal emotion when you know how to express it appropriately. Therefore, anger management teaches individuals about expressing anger in appropriate ways.



Family adolescent therapy is an appropriate approach for a wide range of teens who are displaying self destructive habits. There is no “typical” teenager because adolescents express themselves with a variety of behaviors. However, there is often one common theme that runs through the lives of our teenagers: difficulty coping with life’s challenges in a healthy and productive manner. Utilizing an individualized and strengths-based approach, we can effectively address a wide range of issues teenagers are often dealing with, including self-esteem, anger, defiance, anxiety, substance abuse and depression.


Family therapy is essential when treating adolescents with behavioral or emotional problems. Improving communication between family members and helping both the parents and the teen understand how conflicts can be resolved through improved communication often result in significant improvements in the family relationship. One of the obstacles that can cause parents to delay getting help for their struggling adolescent is their confusion about the answer to these questions: What truly defines a troubled teen? When does a parent really need to seek intervention?



A standard 45 minute session is $120.



4180 Providence Road, Suite 109, Marietta, GA 30062

678.819.2596 Office  •  678.778.4751 Cell  •  770.973.0877 Fax  • Email

In case of an emergency, please dial 911.


© 2018-2020 Jennifer Farmer LPC. All rights reserved.





4180 Providence Road, Suite 109, Marietta, GA 30062

678.819.2596 Office  •  678.778.4751 Cell  •  770.973.0877 Fax  • Email

In case of an emergency, please dial 911.


© 2018-2020 Jennifer Farmer LPC. All rights reserved.